PGH Rheumatology Fellows 2014


Rheuma Batch 2015Rheuma Batch 2016 Rheuma Fellows 2014 Rheuma Headshots 2014


Photos By: Hannah C. Urbanozo, MD

Happy Holidays from the Rheuma Fellows and Friends


The Rheuma-Remnants :)


We visited Bali last August to attend the Asia Pacific League Against Rheumatism Conference at the very beautiful Bali International Convention Center. As I walked along the streets, I came across small pallets of offerings in front of every doorstep of houses and buildings. These were handmade baskets made of natural materials and filled with unique items such as flowers, food and incense. These things are everywhere, placed early in the morning to please the gods and appease demons of the Hindu religion. When we visited one of the malls, I found this interesting offering in front of Starbucks. It was especially beautiful to find two different cultures intertwined so closely. It was also special in the sense that something deeply western pays homage and embraces eastern belief.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Strange

What Heaven Must Be Like

What Heaven Must Be Like

I have always wondered? What could heaven be like?

Is it paved with silver and gold? Is it filled with pearls and exquisite gems?

Are there sparkling lights and dazzling colors?

And then I remember.

When God created the earth down here, he made it a bit as beautiful as heaven above.

We only have to look around and see.

Strange as it may seem, and fallen as we are, we still can view glimpses of how it must have been like.

When everything was perfect and pure.

What must heaven be like? I think I know.

All I need to do is look up, down and around.

It’s everywhere around.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat.”

Weekly Photo Challenge: Infinite

The Vast Expanse of Friendship

Melbourne to Manila

From My Recent Memorable Journey to Manila
Dr Albert Leung, Rheumatologist
Western Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

(written by an inspiring young colleague, via email. posted with permission)

Over NSW, Australia on route to Manila. No matter how much of a footprint we try to carve into the ground, nature has a way of showing us the far expanse she possesses as she hides behind the distant horizon.

On approach to Manila: the mountains soar to touch the sky yet it is the sea that wins her heart – uniting as one over the hazy glow of a gentle sunset.

Over Manila: the setting sun rays dance upon the distant clouds whilst the nearby cotton clouds lumbar over the city.

Manila’s skyscrapers throw up a mighty challenge towards the sky.

Over many eons the wind and water patiently sketches lines over the arid Australian landscape.

It is true that getting a birds eye view gives us a better appreciation of how beautiful this world is and our stewardship roles in looking after our home – our only home not only for us but also for our children and future generations to come.

Cheers, Alby 🙂

Rheumatology Fellows 2013

Angeline Therese D. Magbitang, MD

Ana Kristina G. Rubio, MD

Allan D. Corpuz, MD

Ana Teresa S. Hernandez, MD

Juneth Ria L. Hipe, MD

Kenneth D. Tee, MD